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Upcoming Minimum PHP Requirement Changes

By Matt / August 15th, 2014

As we continue to develop and evolve WHMCS, it is important that we are able to take advantage of the new advances and functionalities available in more recent versions of PHP and other associated softwares.

So to that end, for our next major release we will be making the following changes:

  • Minimum PHP Version: PHP 5.3.7 (Currently 5.2)
  • Minimum MySQL Version: 5.1 (Currently 4.1)
  • PHP Database Extension: PDO (No current requirement)
  • Minimum ionCube Loader: 4.6.1 (No current requirement)
While these are the minimum requirements, we strongly recommend using the latest available, stable releases of all software and extensions.

With this change, we will also be providing support for PHP 5.5. This is another key benefit afforded by increasing the minimum PHP version since it will allow us to continue providing a single encoded distribution of WHMCS.

These new requirements will not come into effect until our next upcoming major release, the beta testing for which will begin next month, and which we anticipate will reach general release status within the next 2-3 months.

In closing, just a quick word for all those hosts out there still running PHP 5.2 in production: PHP 5.2 reached End of Life over 3 years ago; it has not received any updates since January 2011. It is insecure and poses a risk to your business & customers. Please, please, please, upgrade to your PHP!

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